5 Linux Smartphone Operating Systems To Install On Your Device

In a world dominated by Android and iOS, exploring alternative operating systems for smartphones might seem like a niche endeavor. However, the realm of Linux-based smartphone operating systems has been steadily evolving, offering users a breath of fresh air in terms of customization, privacy, and flexibility. If you’re keen on venturing beyond the typical Android or iOS experience, here are five Linux-based smartphone operating systems worth considering for your device.

1. Ubuntu Touch:

Ubuntu Touch, developed by Canonical, brings the familiar Ubuntu experience to smartphones. Known for its sleek interface and convergence capabilities, Ubuntu Touch offers a consistent experience across various devices. Its intuitive gesture-based navigation and compatibility with a wide range of applications make it a compelling choice. Moreover, its focus on privacy and security ensures users have control over their data.

2. Sailfish OS:

Sailfish OS, created by Jolla, stands out for its gesture-driven interface and multitasking capabilities. This OS offers a unique user experience, allowing smooth transitions between apps and efficient multitasking through its intuitive gestures. Sailfish OS is highly customizable and boasts Android app compatibility through its ‘Alien Dalvik’ feature, expanding its app ecosystem significantly.

3. postmarketOS:

postmarketOS is a lightweight, open-source operating system designed to breathe new life into older devices. Its primary goal is longevity, aiming to provide long-term support for smartphones. Built on Alpine Linux, this OS focuses on security and stability while allowing users to tweak and modify their devices extensively. Though still in the early stages, its community-driven development ensures steady improvements.

4. Mobian:

Mobian, based on Debian, is tailored explicitly for mobile devices. With a strong emphasis on privacy and user control, Mobian provides a familiar Linux experience on smartphones. Its compatibility with the Librem 5 phone and PinePhone showcases its commitment to open hardware. Mobian’s active community contributes to its rapid development, addressing bugs and adding new features regularly.

5. Manjaro ARM:

Manjaro ARM, a spin-off of the popular Manjaro Linux, offers a powerful, Arch-based operating system for ARM devices. With its focus on simplicity and user-friendliness, Manjaro ARM provides a robust Linux experience on smartphones. Its rolling release model ensures users receive the latest updates and features promptly. Additionally, its vast software repository widens the scope of available applications.

Installing Linux OS on Your Device:

Before installing a Linux-based OS on your smartphone, it’s crucial to research device compatibility and follow installation instructions carefully. Most Linux smartphone OSes have active communities providing guidance and support throughout the installation process.

Benefits of Linux Smartphone Operating Systems:

Privacy and Security:

Linux-based smartphone operating systems often prioritize user privacy and offer more control over data, reducing the invasive tracking commonly found in mainstream platforms.


These OSes provide extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor their smartphone experience according to their preferences.

Longevity and Sustainability:

Some Linux smartphone OSes aim to extend the lifespan of devices by providing long-term support, reducing electronic waste.

Open-Source Community:

The vibrant open-source community behind these operating systems ensures constant improvements, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.


Exploring alternative smartphone operating systems beyond Android and iOS opens doors to a world of customization, privacy, and innovation. Ubuntu Touch, Sailfish OS, postmarketOS, Mobian, and Manjaro ARM stand out among the various Linux-based options, each offering its unique features and strengths. As the demand for user privacy and device customization grows, these Linux smartphone operating systems continue to carve their niche in the mobile landscape, providing compelling alternatives for users seeking something different from the mainstream offerings. Installing and experimenting with these Linux-based OSes might just unveil a whole new dimension of smartphone functionality and personalization.

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